What do we know about skin care?

We’ll say this: We sure have learned a lot about it!

Our continued research, paired with our experience in marketing, have come together to create an alluring marketing campaign for our friends at The Skin Center at Southgate Medical Group.

Here’s how it all went down.

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The situation.

The Skin Center at Southgate Medical Group is a premier skin care destination in West Seneca, New York. Patients who are interested in professional skin care services can schedule a free consultation with one of The Skin Center’s trained medical professionals. Their services include laser hair and tattoo removal, CoolSculpting, and Botox / Dysport treatments, among others that help people feel more confident in their own skin.

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The challenges. 

How do you tell a person that they might benefit from looking younger, slimmer, or more attractive? The Skin Center’s brand messaging would need to speak to its (mostly female) audience without insulting or shaming them.

And when people think about skin care consultations, what do they picture? Being poked and prodded by a stranger in a strange room? We needed to let people know the truth—that The Skin Center at the Southgate Medical Group provides a rich and rewarding experience to patients in the most comfortable setting possible.

From a marketing perspective, the team at The Skin Center wanted to:

  • Increase general brand awareness
  • Bring more traffic to the company’s website
  • See more patients come in for skin care consultations at its brick-and-mortar location

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The solutions. 

To solve these challenges, our team of writers, designers, developers, and marketing strategists decided to:

  • Focus on The Skin Center’s existing brand message of “feeling comfortable in your own skin”
  • Introduce The Skin Center’s friendly female workforce
  • Pinpoint three key benefits to coming in for a consultation at The Skin Center
  • Explain exactly what a customer can expect from a consultation at The Skin Center
  • Incentivize customers with opportunities to “treat themselves” at The Skin Center
  • Offer discounts and complimentary gift bags
  • Reinforce ideas and images of independence and self-empowerment
  • Celebrate the voices / perspectives of Skin Center customers

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The work.

It was an all-hands-on-deck effort to create marketing materials that would resonate with The Skin Center’s audience. Some of our most effective work featured a landing page, live-action video, and print and digital marketing campaign. Here’s what all of that looks like:

With a headline that reads “Find comfort in a friendly conversation” and follow-up copy that positions The Skin Center as a partner in its customers’ journeys, this landing page helps visitors learn more about the business and encourages them to schedule a free consultation. Skin care services are more about feeling confident than looking perfect, which is reflected in the statement, “Only you know what your best self looks like—but do you know what it really feels like?”

Our video production team visited The Skin Center at Southgate Medical Group to capture the warm and welcoming nature of the location and its leaders. Why do people love going to The Skin Center? What can people expect from the experience? What is the main objective of a consultation? This video educates customers while celebrating the healthy and happy nature of a shared skin care journey.

Promotional emails offer customers discounts, fast and friendly skin care tips, along with CTAs to learn more at The Skin Center’s official blog page. As a consistent and reliable resource for customers, The Skin Center was able to draw more visitors to its website and landing page.

We took to The Skin Center’s Facebook and Instagram pages to:

  • Update banner images to promote monthly specials
  • Leveraged existing marketing materials from product providers (such as CoolSculpting and Sofwave)
  • Crafted body-positive messaging alongside links to blogs about skin care tips
  • Shared testimonial videos from satisfied patients
  • Inviting people to meet The Skin Center team

This first-of-the-year direct-mail piece is less of a “New year, new you” command and more of a “This is going to be your year” affirmation. What’s the difference? Instead of making customers feel like they desperately need to change, this messaging lets customers know that they can achieve their skin care goals without losing sight of what is truly important: staying true to themselves and feeling confident in their own skin.

When the holiday rush hits you hard, it’s important to remember that self-care is still okay, is still important, is still healthy. “Don’t forget to take care of yourself this holiday season!” says this direct-mail piece, which includes a $50 discount and free gift for customers who are looking for a chance to relax.

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The results.

The goal for each of our tactics listed above was to increase brand awareness, increase engagement in email and social media marketing, and—most importantly—to drive leads by way of form fills on their website and landing page, or calls to the office. 

Throughout the course of our campaign, we were able to increase:

  • The number of subscribers to their monthly newsletter by 6.7%
  • E-newsletter open rates by 46.9% 
  • E-newsletter click rates by 178.9%
  • Facebook page likes  by 5.5% 

For added perspective—if we were to look back on all the work we’ve done since 2020–these efforts lead to an 41% increase in form fills completed on both their website and landing page. 

We look forward to helping The Skin Center at Southgate Medical Group continue to bring in new clients in 2024 and beyond. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work with this client moving forward!

Want to collaborate?

We’re down if you are. Tell us about your project and let’s get goin’! And while you’re at it, check us out on LinkedInFacebookTwitter, and Vimeo!

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