(Re)introducing Quilted Squirrel through storytelling

Text: How to tell your story. Image: A hand holds up a megaphone that is emanating sound waves.

We’re pretty big into storytelling these days.  Actually, we’ve always been pretty big into storytelling.  We’ve been telling stories in TV commercials, on websites, and at places of business ever since we created our agency in 2013. In radio ads and on landing pages, we’ve crafted narratives that create a sense of purpose for our clients […]

5 foolproof storytelling tips: How to write an awesome ‘about us’ page [Video]

A laptop computer the an About Us page from a website showing on the screen

People want to know: What’s your story? If you’ve been in business for 57 years—how did you get your start? If you’re a hot new startup—what’s your vision for the future? If you’re somewhere in between—how do your values shape your business? When customers (or potential business partners) visit your “about us” page, they want […]

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