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Quilted Squirrel REWIND: Paul Smith’s College

Paul Smith's College logo with an illustrated topographic map background

Your college days: Are they ahead of you or behind you? For some of us, they’re further away than we’d care to admit. Or acknowledge. Or accept. In the case of Paul Smith’s College, they’re behind us. But that’s okay, because it leads us to this first installment of Quilted Squirrel REWIND: the blog series […]

Quilted Squirrel REWIND: Paul Smith’s College

Paul Smith's College: A collection of nondescript print pieces rest on top of a white background.

Your college days: Are they ahead of you or behind you? For some of us, they’re further away than we’d care to admit. Or acknowledge. Or accept. In the case of Paul Smith’s College, they’re behind us. But that’s okay, because it leads us to this first installment of Quilted Squirrel REWIND: the blog series […]

How to use your brand story to differentiate your graduate program 

TQS in Higher ED: Learn how to differentiate your graduate school with a compelling brand story.

Awareness. Enrollment. Alumni engagement.    At your graduate school, these are just three major points of emphasis.   But are you deploying thoughtful campaigns that command attention and inspire action?  Are you creating opportunities for people to explore everything your school has to offer?  Are you telling a compelling story that’s unique, authentic, and instantly recognizable?  At Quilted Squirrel, we understand that […]

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