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Quick and dirty: a lesson in grammar

Here are some fast fundamentals to keep your writing clean AF.    Subjects vs. Objects A subject is a noun (such as a person) that performs an action. Subjects should start a sentence.  An object is a noun (such as a thing) that is on the receiving end of an action. Objects should end a […]

Want to build a better website?

Build a better website with bold stories and brilliant strategies. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Especially online.  The look of your website matters. And so does the feel of it. Beyond the pop and sizzle of cool functionality and striking design, your website needs to mean something to your […]

How to make a user-friendly homepage (featuring work for Chiavetta’s)

Chiavetta's: a finger-pointer icon "clicks on" an image of charbroiled Chiavetta's chicken.

Building a new homepage? Nice.  Some might say your homepage is the face of your website, so it’s got to look good.  Others might say, no, your homepage is the heart of your website, so it’s got to feel good.  Phrase it any way you want, your homepage is the most important part of your […]

Firing up a new website for Chiavetta’s

Chiavetta's website on a laptop screen overlaying some chicken cooking over charcoal with a

Did Buffalo’s best BBQ just get better? “That’s impossible!” you say. “Chiavetta’s marinades and sauces have been perfect since 1954!! It couldn’t possibly get any better!!!” Okay, yes, you’re 100% right. But do you know what Chiavetta’s hasn’t had since 1954? A delectable website that lives up to its family name, fuels its business, and […]

Client Spotlight! Barkology: Buffalo’s first and only dog park and bar


Who’s a good blog? Who’s a good blog?! Wait, that’s not right. Let’s start over. Some very good dogs and their excellent humans recently came to Quilted Squirrel for some help with their marketing. They needed to develop a web presence for their new business: Barkology, Buffalo’s first and only dog park. Needless to say, […]

12 brand archetypes: What’s your brand’s personality?

12 brand archetypes: What's your brand personality?

Build your brand. Tell your story. Make a difference. You’re building your brand, eh? Nice. Whether you’re starting up or starting over, you’ll want to pinpoint a personality that makes the most sense for you and your customers. Let’s take a look at the 12 different brand archetypes, or “personalities,” that your brand could represent. […]

Come Out Come Out, Outcomes.

St. Bonaventure University Outcomes Webpage Choosing a college is a big deal. While it’s probably not as big a deal as you believed when you were a junior in high school, the college you attend can have implications on your entire adult life: the friends you make, the place you live, the skills you acquire, […]

Top Five Signs You Need A New Website

Websites are important. This isn’t some top-secret marketing tactic that only the most successful business owners know. Your company website is crucial to the success of your business. But not all websites are created equal. Having one and having an effective, engaging, compelling one are not the same. How do you know if you need […]

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