Happy Mother’s Day!
Do we love our moms? Of course!
Do we love your mom? Yep, sure do.
Do we love all moms, maternal figures, and the motherly, in general? Yes. We. Do.
So much so, in fact, that we strung together some special messages for all the moms out there. Happy Mother’s Day/Week/Month from Quilted Squirrel!
(Scroll all the way down for a special surprise featuring Lisa and her new best friend.)
Chris White
Creative Director
- Credits his mom for life, partially
- Loves banana bread
- Mixes in the mother-in-law
Alyssa Boczar
Senior Account Manager
- Offers big ups to Sandy
- Calls for more celebrations
- Thanks all the moms out there
Franklin Heinzmann
Account Coordinator
- Gets off to a slow start
- Admits his mom did his homework for him
- Is definitely not boring
James A. Colombo III
- Is actively hitting on your mom
- Is thankful for his mom
- Happy Mother’s Day!
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