Have you ever met our owner, Steve?
He’s a pretty good dude. I mean, we like ‘em.
And so do his friends and family over at Saints Peter & Paul School in Hamburg, New York.
That’s because Steve—owning a pretty cool marketing company and all—has the means to produce pretty cool marketing content (like branding, websites, videos, and campaigns).
And pretty cool marketing content can go a long way—especially when you’re promoting events that’ll raise money for your school.
As it happens, Saints Peter & Paul School has fundraising events all the time. Like a meat raffle in April and an upcoming golf tourney in June.
So when school leaders are ready to promote their event, they ask Steve if he can help. He, of course, always says yes. And that means we get to make sweet landing pages and posters and stuff. Which is almost as fun for us as actually attending the meat raffle.
We’re gonna show you what those landing pages and posters look like now.
This way, if you ever need to make your own landing page or poster, you could use ours as a template.
Or, better yet, you could call us up and ask us to make some for you.
Landing pages and posters. Pretty sweet.
Anyway, here’s what they look like:
The SSPP Meat Raffle
From top to bottom, here’s what we think works for this landing page:
- A custom URL
- A brand logo
- A “very special” invitation to the meat raffle featuring bold but unoffensive imagery and iconography
- A clearly visible date followed by other event details
- An address
- Pricing and ancillary information
- A simple form to collect payment and issue tickets with direct CTA
As for the poster, it includes the same visual aesthetic and all the necessary information. And don’t forget to include that URL!
The SSSP Golf Tournament
For the golf tourney, we stuck to a similar structure, but we had a lot more info to work with. So we:
- Divvied up the information into a logical sequence
- Organized it all into six different boxes
- Created icons to illustrate key information for all the boxes
And then we just followed up with the standard registration form to handle all the rest.
The poster, which school leaders were free to post where they please, carries over the style of the landing page design.
And that’s that, really. Landing pages. Posters. Done and done.
Let’s do something.
Before we forget: If you’re trying to get down on that golf tournament we just talked about, register here.
To partner with us on a project—landing pages, posters, websites, whatever—contact us and let us know!
For more examples of our work and to get to know our staff, check us out on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Vimeo.
Thanks for reading. ✌️
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