Here are some fast fundamentals to keep your writing clean AF.
Subjects vs. Objects
A subject is a noun (such as a person) that performs an action. Subjects should start a sentence.
An object is a noun (such as a thing) that is on the receiving end of an action. Objects should end a sentence.
This should sound familiar. Remember when we were talking about the active voice? We said that a good example is: “James ate five Big Macs.”
Who is the subject? James.
What are the objects? Big Macs.
You understand. But here’s what you might not, because people screw this up all the time…
Subjective Pronouns vs. Objective Pronouns
Subjective pronouns (he, she, or they) replace a subject in a sentence.
They perform the action. They start a sentence.
For example: “She chugged a beer.”
“She” is the subjective pronoun.
Objective pronouns (him, her, or them) replace objects in a sentence.
They receive the action.
They conclude a sentence.
In the example, “She chugged a beer,” “beer” is the objective pronoun.
Okay, that’s easy, right? Not so fast. Here are some simple examples of common mistakes people make all the time:
INCORRECT: “Me and my friends went to the movies.”
CORRECT: “My friends and I went to the movies.”
EXPLANATION: You would never say, “Me went to the movies.”
INCORRECT: “She offered him and I a piece of cake.”
CORRECT: “She offered him and me a piece of cake.”
EXPLANATION: You would never say “She offered I a piece of cake.”
INCORRECT: “They gave Larry and myself a ride to the party.”
CORRECT: “They gave Larry and me a ride to the party.”
EXPLANATION: You would never say, “They gave myself a ride to the party.”
Pro tip: Only use “myself” when it relates directly to you, the speaker. For example: “I made this pizza myself.”
Same rule, different pronoun: “They made this pizza themself,” or “They made this pizza theirself.” Both work!
INCORRECT: “The teacher asked us and he to stay late.”
CORRECT: “The teacher asked him and us to stay late.”
EXPLANATION: “You would never say, “The teacher asked he to stay late.”
Confused? Check out this chart and remember: Start with the subjects and end with the objects.
Alright. That’s enough of the word nerdery. If you still need a hand, perhaps with storytelling, let us know! We can help build a website too. Contact us online, get a quote, or call us today at (716) 926.9266.
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