A copywriter breaks down a pro athlete’s ‘disastrous’ social media statement [video]

Why did this social media statement fall on its face? If you don’t know who Kyler Murray is, he’s an NFL quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals. And if you didn’t know that, you probably don’t know that he’s been, uh, disappointed with his current contract situation in Arizona. After scrubbing the Cardinals clean from his Instagram account, […]
TQS takes on 2032

Can you remember anything that happened two weeks ago? I can’t. Not totally. Seems like a million years ago. But thanks to the internet ‘er whatnot—with specific regard to the Quilted Squirrel blog page, of course—we can go back and remind ourselves of this blog we wrote. It’s the one that bends space and time […]
Quilted Squirrel holiday photo hunt!

Happy holidays from Quilted Squirrel! Are you still in the office? Or maybe you’re catching up on emails from the rich-chocolatey warmth of your own sofa. Either way, now’s the perfect time to go photo hunting with Quilted Squirrel! What? Who? Where?! In this year’s extra-special holiday card, we’ve hidden 26 items for you to […]
TQS takes on holiday movies

What’s your favorite holiday movie? Everyone has a favorite holiday movie. Or a least a favorite holiday movie. Or a middling, run-of-the-mill, “this-is-fine-for-now,” on-in-the-background holiday movie. For now, let’s focus on the former. As we close out the holiday season, here’s what our staffers will be watching at home. Steve Lingle, CEO At the risk […]
TQS takes on pie

Is it time for pie? Thanksgiving dinner is done and there’s only one thing standing between you and having to do the dishes: sweet, sweet pie. So take your time and savor the flavor—but don’t wait too long, because your drunken uncle is sizing up your seat in that La-Z-Boy by the fire. As for […]
TQS Public Radio welcomes new personality [VIDEO]

Is TQS Public Radio a real thing? No, it is not. Is Alyssa Boczar a real person? Most definitely, yes. As our new senior account manager here at Quilted Squirrel, Alyssa will be putting her 10-ish years of marketing experience to the test every Monday through Friday. But what will she be doing? Where did […]
TQS takes on the supernatural

Ghosts. Ghouls. Spirits. Do they “live” among us… or are they nothing more than a figment of our imagination? That’s what we asked our Quilted Squirrel staffers this month. Here’s what we think, believe, and want to believe. Lisa Hinterberger, Graphic Designer Sadly, I have no paranormal story to share. But I like to think people […]
TQS takes on soup

You can only eat one type of soup for the rest of your life—what’s it gonna be? Yes, you can eat other meals… but every time you eat soup, it’s got to be this one. Such is the plight we’ve put forth to our TQS staffers this month. And why not? We’re on the cusp […]
TQS takes on the Buffalo Bills

OH BABY! Sorry for yelling. But it’s Bills seasonnn. Your defending AFC Championship contenders are back in red, white, and blue—and that means we’ve got AT LEAST 17 glorious weeks of Buffalo Bills football. Will we see another home-team push into the playoffs? Let’s find out what the TQS team has to say. Well, most […]
TQS takes on hot dogs

Is a hot dog a sandwich? In honor of national hot dog month, we grilled the staff to see what each other has to say about this hotly contested conversation. Get a healthy helping of our red-hot wiener takes right here. Emily Olek, Account Manager According to dictionary.com, a hot dog is “a person who shows […]