Client Spotlight! WNY Tennis Clubs [VIDEO]

Who doesn’t love a good game of tennis? Apart from slow and slovenly buffoons such as myself, people seem to really like it. And for good reason. It’s classy. It’s competitive. It’s—from what I understand—an excellent cardiovascular activity. Our boss is actually a pretty big tennis guy, so when the South Towns and Village Glen […]
James & Jerry: The Interview

Who the heck are James and Jerry? Well, they both work for us, so that’s a start. James is our copywriter and, uh, content… guy. And Jerry is one of the original Quilted Squirrel co-founders; he bounced after a few years in the mix, but now he’s back! Why, you ask? The answer to that […]
TQS takes on social media

Scroll. Click. Watch. Scroll. Repeat. Sometimes we all surrender to the flow of social media. Don’t you? We do. We really do. Social media! Here’s who we’re following. Emily Olek, Account Manager I’ve recently become a resident of Flavortown USA and I proudly support my mayor, @guyfieri. Steve Lingle, CEO Joey Mulinaro on Twitter (@joeymulinaro). […]
TQS Smackdown! Landing Page vs. Webpage

The lights drop. The crowd goes silent. Then, a spotlight. A man with a microphone in the center of the ring. You hear him begin. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! TQS proudly presents to you… the bout the whole world has been waiting for… the ultimate showdown between two undisputed […]
Case Study: No Excuses with Medaille College

Medaille’s No Excuses Campaign Who doesn’t love a good case study? We at The Quilted Squirrel pride ourselves on several things: great taste in office décor, partial photographic memory (but only in sepia tone), and our ability to execute on integrated campaigns. And we’re not just the creative brains behind the concept – as a […]
It Takes Nuts: Industrial Management With Flare

This month’s edition of “It Takes Nuts” takes us on a trip in the Wayback Machine – way back to just three years ago. St. Bonaventure University was launching a new Bachelor’s degree program in Industrial Management – an up-and-coming field that combines business management with high-tech engineering. It’s the kind of degree program that […]
Website Mania: 9 Things To Know

We design a lot of websites. It’s not the only thing we do, but it’s one of the most common requests we get from clients and potential clients. People know that having a great website is important to their business. But they’re usually unsure of what that looks like, or how to get there. As […]
Capital Heat: New Addition Gifts

At TQS, we believe that great marketing takes nuts. That doesn’t always mean taking huge risks. Sometimes, you just need to be two degrees off-center to make someone take pause and remember you. One of our clients, Capital Heat, needed a way to stay top-of-mind after completing work for their customers. They wanted to make […]