TQS takes on holiday movies: A view from behind a family of six who are seated on a couch, wearing festive holiday attire, and watching a projection of a holiday-themed movie depicting an animated Santa Claus and his reindeer flying away from a rooftop at night on Christmas Eve.

TQS takes on holiday movies

What’s your favorite holiday movie? Everyone has a favorite holiday movie. Or a least a favorite holiday movie. Or a middling, run-of-the-mill, “this-is-fine-for-now,” on-in-the-background holiday

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TQS takes on pie: An extreme close-up of a cherry pie with buttery lattice pastry topping

TQS takes on pie

Is it time for pie? Thanksgiving dinner is done and there’s only one thing standing between you and having to do the dishes: sweet, sweet

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TQSD takes on soup: Four technicolor quadrants display four TQS staffers eating soup: James, Jerry, Steve, and Lisa.

TQS takes on soup

You can only eat one type of soup for the rest of your life—what’s it gonna be? Yes, you can eat other meals… but every

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