Trashed: A Buffalo News Review
If you’ve been following along with the real-time investigative reporting on the disappearance of our trash cans, you may be shocked to notice that this story has gone entirely unnoticed (or ignored) by the media. You and I know, as believers that the truth is out there, that there’s a reason for this. It’s easier […]
The TQS September Issue

Recently, we reviewed our online presence to see if there was something missing from our contributions to the internet. Obviously, this blog is rich with shrewd tidbits and thought-provoking musings on a myriad of relevant topics, but we couldn’t help wondering where else our signature blend of wit and insight might apply. And then it […]
Trashed: A Fair to Remember

After a brief hiatus, we’ve returned for Part 3 of Trashed. I hope you weren’t holding your breath. I know it seems like I don’t have work to do or a life to live outside of this investigation and it’s true, I don’t. I went to New York City over the weekend and spent the […]
Seven Great Places to Have a Nervous Breakdown in Western New York

Western New York is perhaps one of the best-kept and often-overlooked secrets of the Northeast. It’s abundant with beautiful vistas and natural wonders, rich with history and local culture, and home to lots of friendly people who love to talk about how great it is. That’s probably why People named Buffalo one of the top […]
Trashed: A Theft on Lake Street

The Quilted Squirrel is located on Lake Street in Hamburg, NY at the intersection of Highland Ave in a rather unassuming building housing several other local businesses. Though Lake Street is a thoroughfare, the streets adjacent to it are quiet and residential—home to families, retirees, playgrounds and parks. In the summer, the lawns are manicured […]
First Annual TQS Staff Summer Predictions

Happy summer! We’ve been holding our breath for a while now, but we think it’s finally safe to ring in the season without jinxing it, and this year we’re kicking it off with our first ever round of TQS Staff Summer Predictions. We’ve consulted our horoscopes and made our best guesses as to what the […]
Jesus Christ, Super Stars, and the Rousing Rabbles of Followers, Deadbeats, and Jealous High Priests

We recently published our Ultimate TQS Springtime Playlist to help us all conjure up those warm weather feelings. While it was clear that we all felt generally good about our song choices, one entry in particular stuck out as, well, devoutly passionate. As promised, please welcome Emily’s husband, Mike Olek, to the stage to present […]
The Ultimate TQS Springtime Playlist

All of us at TQS are beyond ready to finally lose the bottom half of our zip-off pants and trade in the old socks-and-boots combo for the more superior socks-and-sandals look. And everyone knows that the way to make spring weather come more quickly is by welcoming it in with song. To achieve this, we […]
Words of Encouragement

Everyone, meet Kit! Kit recently joined our team as an intern – and besides helping us with daily tasks and laughing at our jokes, she’s also great at giving the occasional pep talk. So great, in fact, that sometimes it takes us a few days to really let her profound words sink in. This was […]
A Very Thoughtfully Curated Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Guide
Yeah, yeah, “Valentine’s Day is just a commercial holiday.” We’ve heard it over and over again. But here at TQS, we’ve decided we’re not accepting that excuse anymore. After all, who makes excuses to avoid spreading love and showing appreciation for the special someone in their life? Monsters. That’s who. Or people who just forgot […]