Click, Watch, Convert: 7 Video Engagement Hacks for Your Business

Image of various online video delivery platforms hovering around a laptop computer

In today’s saturated media landscape, attention spans are shorter than ever. In fact, I’ve stopped reading this already. If only we had a video to tell this story (easter egg; also, not enough time this week for a video). Captivating, informative, and versatile, video content can grab viewers instantly and leave a lasting impression. But […]

Captivate the Crowd: 5 Killer Tips for Trade Show Booth Engagement

a blurry image of a convention floor with trade show booths and people walking about

Trade shows offer a unique opportunity to connect with potential customers, showcase your brand, and generate leads. But with rows of vendors vying for attention, it can be challenging to stand out and create a lasting impression. So get ready to make your booth the hottest spot on the floor – and the envy of […]

10 things to help improve your marketing in 2024

Various marketing terms and performance charts, with 2024 overlaid

I hate to say it – because it means I’m still getting older—but the end of the year is just around the corner. And that means it’s high time to start thinking about your marketing planning for next year.  I know, I know. No one likes to spend time planning. Get busy doing, or get […]

Quick and dirty: a lesson in grammar

Here are some fast fundamentals to keep your writing clean AF.    Subjects vs. Objects A subject is a noun (such as a person) that performs an action. Subjects should start a sentence.  An object is a noun (such as a thing) that is on the receiving end of an action. Objects should end a […]

Quick and dirty writing tips (for marketing and life in general)

Writing ain’t easy, am I right? As a business owner or marketing pro, you appreciate the power of words. You know that finding your voice is a big part of building your brand.  But maybe you’re not the best writer.  Or maybe your team doesn’t have a full-time copywriter. So, who’s filling the void? Your […]

Want to build a better website?

Build a better website with bold stories and brilliant strategies. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Especially online.  The look of your website matters. And so does the feel of it. Beyond the pop and sizzle of cool functionality and striking design, your website needs to mean something to your […]

How to make a user-friendly homepage (featuring work for Chiavetta’s)

Chiavetta's: a finger-pointer icon "clicks on" an image of charbroiled Chiavetta's chicken.

Building a new homepage? Nice.  Some might say your homepage is the face of your website, so it’s got to look good.  Others might say, no, your homepage is the heart of your website, so it’s got to feel good.  Phrase it any way you want, your homepage is the most important part of your […]

Alyssa the senior account manager: Pro tips from a true pro (PART 3)

Alyssa the senior account manager: Pro tips from a true pro (part 3)

Alyssa Boczar smiles brightly from behind a hot mug of tea on a cold and rainy day in Orchard Park, New York. Yes, dark clouds have gathered and it’s starting to rain. But the early autumnal gloom is no match for Alyssa’s sunny disposition inside Quilted Squirrel. She’s beaming, of course, and it’s no surprise. […]

Alyssa the senior account manager: Pro tips from a true pro (PART 2)

Alyssa the senior account manager: Pro tips from a true pro (part 2)

Alyssa Boczar is back in her favorite spot on the couch at Quilted Squirrel. She’s glowing, as usual, and sitting with the comfort and confidence you’d expect from the coolest senior account manager in the business. Approaching her one-year anniversary at Quilted Squirrel, Alyssa is consistently enthusiastic about working with our team. (If anything, she’s […]

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