Quilted Squirrel REWIND: Paul Smith’s College

Paul Smith's College logo with an illustrated topographic map background

Your college days: Are they ahead of you or behind you? For some of us, they’re further away than we’d care to admit. Or acknowledge. Or accept. In the case of Paul Smith’s College, they’re behind us. But that’s okay, because it leads us to this first installment of Quilted Squirrel REWIND: the blog series […]

Want to build a better website?

Build a better website with bold stories and brilliant strategies. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Especially online.  The look of your website matters. And so does the feel of it. Beyond the pop and sizzle of cool functionality and striking design, your website needs to mean something to your […]

Quilted Squirrel REWIND: Paul Smith’s College

Paul Smith's College: A collection of nondescript print pieces rest on top of a white background.

Your college days: Are they ahead of you or behind you? For some of us, they’re further away than we’d care to admit. Or acknowledge. Or accept. In the case of Paul Smith’s College, they’re behind us. But that’s okay, because it leads us to this first installment of Quilted Squirrel REWIND: the blog series […]

Landing pages and posters—for the kids!

SS Peter & Paul meat raffle and golf tournament header

Have you ever met our owner, Steve? He’s a pretty good dude. I mean, we like ‘em.  And so do his friends and family over at Saints Peter & Paul School in Hamburg, New York.  That’s because Steve—owning a pretty cool marketing company and all—has the means to produce pretty cool marketing content (like branding, […]

Client Spotlight! Catholic High Schools of Western New York

Community. Respect. Belonging. These are the core ideals of Catholic High Schools of Western New York, a vibrant community of private schools in our region. We’re working with school leaders (and others) to promote enrollment in the 2021 school year. Here’s what it looks like so far. The school community. Catholic High Schools of Western […]

TQS Smackdown! Landing Page vs. Webpage

The lights drop. The crowd goes silent. Then, a spotlight. A man with a microphone in the center of the ring. You hear him begin. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! TQS proudly presents to you… the bout the whole world has been waiting for… the ultimate showdown between two undisputed […]

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